As the world unravels and
judgment day edges closer and closer, I am reminded of the
world as it was
prior to the Flood of Noah’s day.
“And GOD saw that the
wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5)
If that doesn’t describe us
in the here and now, then I would like to know what does. One thing, among
others, I regret for my grand-children is that they did not get to live in the
50s. Life today is 180 degrees from the life we experienced during that time. I’m
not saying it was perfect, but it sure was better than what we have today.
First of all there was no
Internet and very little television. Television consisted of three fuzzy
channels and the programs were actually all clean; no sex, no profanity, no
nudity. How did we ever survive? I’m being facetious folks.
Children could walk up and
down the road and wander through the hills without even a thought of being kidnapped
and/or sexually abused and /or murdered. Good parents do not let their children
out of their sight today. A child can be kidnapped within the blink of the eye
at the local mall or grocery store.
We didn’t lock our car doors
or even the doors to our homes. It wasn’t necessary.
Every day, and I mean every
day, we pick up the paper or watch the news and are bombarded with crimes of
the 21st century that could curl your hair. People commit crimes
today we never even heard of fifty years ago. Some are so bad I can’t even
mention them in this article.
Many years ago I used to
think politics was bad, and it was. Those running for office, whether on a
national or local level seemed sleazy at the time, but today we would be glad
to have any of them back, from both sides of the aisle. Today’s politicians,
especially on the national level are absolutely the bottom of the proverbial
barrel. Not all, but most of them are lying, immoral, perverted, thieving, traitorous,
criminals. Maybe God has just given us what we deserve.
What amazes me, even more
than the corruption of our so-called leading members of society, is the
absolute ignorance of the common man. The average adult is like the turkey that
was invited to the Thanksgiving feast not realizing they were the main
attraction. The turkey brings a fork and a bottle of wine, unaware of the guy
with the ax and a chopping block out back.
Our national leaders are
purposely, not unwittingly, but purposely destroying everything our forefathers
spilled their blood to build, and nobody gets it. Nobody seems to give a
Our country is in the tank to
the tune of $20 trillion dollars. We are spending 120% more than we take in.
Our foreign enemies are on our own soil ready to kill us. Our domestic enemies
(government officials) are tightening the noose around our scrawny necks. And
we just stroll on down the road like everything is just hunky dory.
Drugs are turning us into
zombies. Hollywood is destroying what little moral structure we had. The
Supremes, the President and Congress are trashing our Constitution and Bill of
Rights. Liberal teachers in all levels of schooling are corrupting our youth.
While the name-it-and-claim-it, feel-good, let’s all have a glass of Kool aide,
“spiritual advisors” are leading us straight to hell. And where is Mr. average
American? Oh, he’s still strolling along, whistling a happy tune.
I’ve ranted on here for a
while but just what is our problem? Yes, we have people in charge who are
simply rotten to the core, but are they ‘really’ the problem? If the American
people had any character at all, none of these sons (and daughters) of Satan
would even be in a position of power. It is our fault. If it is our fault, why
is that so? We are corrupted with sin. It’s that simple.
We have allowed others to buy
our souls with basically money and sex. We have wallowed at the troughs with
the prodigal son and need to return to our Father and seek forgiveness. Unlike
the prodigal son, we have allowed these tyrants of tyranny to subdue us to the
point we enjoy the slop they feed us. We think it’s hors d'oeuvres because we
have allowed ourselves to become spiritually blind and cannot see the poison
dripping from the plate.
The 60s began the sexual
revolution, but even worse than that, it began our rejection of God and any and
everything He represents. We finally managed to kick Him out of every area of
our lives, from the schools to the family structure. We have said, “Be gone
with you God!” and are now reaping our reward. But oh! The real reward hasn’t
arrived just yet, but it will. God is slow to anger, but in my opinion He has
just about reached His boiling point. Judgment on this world is way overdo, and
it is coming from a righteous God who will pour out His wrath with vengeance.
It is called the Tribulation.
Some like to call it “Daniel’s 70th week, and some like to call it
the “time of Jacob’s trouble.” It is commonly known as the seven years of
Tribulation, and it is coming toward us like a runaway locomotive. When will it
get here? That’s God’s business, but it is coming.
If someone disrespected one
of my children, I would not be a happy camper. This 21st century
society has done far more than just disrespect the Son of God, and I don’t
think our Father in Heaven is very pleased with it.
There are many signs for the
forthcoming Tribulation, and nearly all of them are casting their long shadows upon
this globe we call earth. If the shadows are appearing, it won’t be long until
the real thing gets here. It’s just like a storm. When you hear the thunder,
you’d better run inside because the storm is coming. Well, it’s thundering
folks, and it’s going to be a doozy.
The thing is, I have an
umbrella. It’s called salvation in Christ. I won’t be here when the storm
comes, and I pray you won’t either. All who belong to Jesus are His Church (His
bride). Jesus is coming for His bride before the storm (the Tribulation) comes,
but once He removes (the Rapture) His bride from this earth the gloves are off.
Wake up my friend, Jesus is
coming. I don’t know when, but He has told us to be watching, and He would not
have told us to watch if there were not something for us to watch for.
Jesus came down hard on the
Pharisees for not recognizing the signs of His first coming, the First Advent.
He has given us signs for His second coming, the Second Advent. All of the
signs we are seeing are related to the Tribulation and the Second Coming of
Christ. There are no signs for the Rapture. So obviously, now get this, when we
hear the thunder, the storm is on its way. We are hearing the thunder of the
approaching Tribulation followed by the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. That
means the Rapture is even closer, since we will be removed before the downpour
Jesus is coming. Are you
Grant Phillips
Pre-Rapture Commentary: