
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

When I See The Blood

Oh how I love the old hymns that speak of the blood of our Savior. Hymns such as Are

Why Are We Here

Assuming these statistics to be correct, about 155,500 people die daily in the world and

Superficial People

The United States of America was once a light that shone in a dark place. The cross of

Your Halo Is Slipping

The definition of a halo is: a disk or circle of light shown surrounding or above the

The Devil Walks The Aisles

In Matthew 16:18 Jesus makes it clear that the Church is His and the gates of Hades

Prelude To Hell

Daniel’s 70th week, the time of Jacob’s trouble, Day of the Lord, Wrath of God, Great

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A Date To Remember

On our calendars here at the house and on your calendars also are listed specific dates:

Monday, June 11, 2018

Doubt, Satan’s Silver Bullet

One of Satan’s greatest weapons against a child of God is to inflict them with doubt.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

That’s Not Fair!

We live in a world filled with constant complainers. “That’s not fair!” echoes across