On our calendars here at the
house and on your calendars also are listed specific dates:
anniversaries, doctor appointments, holidays, etc., but there is coming a date
on all calendars that will change the world forever as we know it.
In our minds we remember
family birthdates and the date a loved one died, also dates we graduated from
school and got married. Oh so many dates to remember. I know that we who are
citizens of the United States of America remember most of the important dates
associated with our country. Most of us had them pounded in our heads as
We can’t know the exact date,
but the date the Son of God hung on a cross, died, was buried and rose again
has touched the world like no date before or after. The date the King of kings
and Lord of lords returns will have no equal, and this is another date we
cannot pinpoint at this time. Yet, there is a third date that falls between the
cross and the return of Jesus Christ at the end of the seven year period commonly
known as the Tribulation. This date is known as the Rapture.
I like to call these special
dates the three R’s. Schools used to concentrate on the three R’s which were
reading, writing and arithmetic. The three R’s I am referring to though are redemption,
removal and return.
R – Jesus redeems us at the cross
R – Jesus removes His bride from harm’s way at
the Rapture
R – Jesus returns as King of kings and Lord of
lords after the Tribulation
It is said that Jesus died on
the cross on April 3rd, 33 AD. Maybe that date is correct, maybe
not, but I’m sure it is at least close.
We do not know the dates for
the Rapture and Jesus’ return at His second coming after the Tribulation. We
know they are close at hand, but we have no date supplied to us. We do know
that when the Tribulation begins Jesus will return seven years later, but we
have no such information for the Rapture. There are no signs for the Rapture.
We are only told to watch for the signs and we will know He is at the door, but
if there are no signs for the Rapture, what is He talking about?
We are already seeing a
tremendous number of signs beginning to
form that relate to the Tribulation which follows
the Rapture. Therefore, even though there are no signs for the Rapture, there
are many signs for the Tribulation which follows it. That being the case, the
Rapture is really getting close since it precedes
the event (Tribulation) that has the signs we are now seeing. How close? Sorry,
but I don’t know. That information is above my pay grade.
One day soon there will be a
loud shout from Heaven to the Church (the bride of Christ), a call like the
sound of a trumpet, to come forth and meet our Lord in the air. This date will
definitely be marked on the calendars of all those who are left behind to journey
through the following seven year Tribulation. The removal of the Church from
this earth will certainly be a time to remember, for all who leave and all who
remain. This will be a day that will shake the earth with mass confusion and
Over half of the world’s
population of those who remain after the Rapture will die. The world’s
population at present is estimated to be 7.6 billion. It is estimated that of
this 7.6 billion, 2.2 billion are Christians. Which means almost 29% of the
world population would leave in the Rapture. However, I think that percentage
is too high. I feel it is probably more akin to 10%. Either way, after the
Church is gone, roughly 3.4 billion people will not survive the Tribulation.
It is taught that the Rapture
is not a “starter” to the Tribulation, but I think it is in one respect. Let me
explain with an example.
The horses are all lined up
at the Kentucky Derby, and the starter gates are about to fling open. These
beautiful muscled horses will thunder from the gates and race down the field to
the finish line. But wait! There is a little kitten on the track just a few
feet in front of the starting gates. If the horses are released now, there will
be nothing left of the little kitten but a smear on the turf. Suddenly, it is
snatched straight up in the air and saved from the thundering hooves of the
race horses.
This is what I mean when I
say the Rapture is a “starter” to the Tribulation. The Tribulation (the race in
my example) cannot begin until the bride (the kitten) is removed from danger.
The Lord will not allow His bride to be trampled by His own judgments upon
fallen mankind. The Tribulation cannot begin until the Rapture first occurs.
This is what Paul was telling the Thessalonians.
The Rapture; what will that
day be like? For those who are part of the bride of Christ, the excitement and
joy will be off the charts. There will be no way to equate the overwhelming
happiness of the Church on that special date.
But what will be the initial
reactions of those who are left behind? Of those left behind there will be many
reactions, depending on the person.
Some may have
heard about the Rapture, but previously laughed it off.
Some may be
shocked to discover they are left behind.
Some may consider
UFOs and little green men.
Some may not
really care.
I would like to consider the first
two groups; those who may have heard of the Rapture and those who may be
shocked to discover they are left behind. In my opinion, the reaction will be
closely the same for both groups. Unfortunately, the more they remember of what
they heard about the Rapture and especially the following Tribulation, the more
intensified will be their fear.
Aside from the shock and
terror of losing loved ones who have disappeared, a fear of what has actually
happened sets in. These two groups have possibility heard enough about the
Rapture and that dreaded event that follows it, to cause a sickening
overwhelming nausea. It will be a gut-wrenching reality because they know what
lies ahead. These dear folks are overcome with remorse, asking themselves over
and over, “Why did I not call upon Jesus to save me?” “Why did I not make sure
about my spiritual life?” “Why did I not listen?”
While the devil’s crowd
celebrates that those goodie, goodie Christians are gone, those who straddled
the fence and waited too long are sick with grief and fear.
The Rapture date could be May
2, 2018 (today). It could be June 12, 2018. It could be September 27, 2020. It
could be any date on the calendar. Only God knows what that date will
be, but hopefully on this date (the date you read this) you will be born
again and become a child of God.
Jesus said, “All that the
Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise
cast out.” (John 6:37) If you want to be saved, then that means God is calling
you. Go to Him now and put your faith in Jesus. If you do, He will save you by
His grace. If you do, you will leave for Heaven, whether by the portal of death
or the Rapture, and experience joy unspeakable instead of a fear beyond belief.
Most people are taking this
event much too lightly. Those who speak of the Rapture are called escapists,
quacks and religious nuts. Unfortunately, many of those left behind will be
praying out to God, wishing they had listened when they had the chance.
Folks, I don’t know when God
will write this date upon the calendar, but when He does He will not come as
the little baby in the manger, or the blood-soaked lamb upon the cross. He will
come as Almighty God, snatch His bride from danger and then release His
judgment upon this fallen world. Those seven years to follow the Rapture, and
especially the last 3 ½ years, will be so unspeakable that, but for the grace
of God, there would be no survivors.
“For then shall be great tribulation,
such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever
shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be
saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” (Matthew
Add a new date to your
calendar now, today’s date, the date you became a child of God.
Grant Phillips
Email: grantphillips@windstream.net
Pre-Rapture Commentary: http://grant-phillips.blogspot.com
Rapture Ready: http://www.raptureready.com/featured/phillips/phillips.html